VBS 2019


July 7th-10th         5:00-8:00PM


Join us for VBS fun at Trinity Lutheran Church! We will be having our VBS in the evening this year with a FREE Dinner each night! (Free will offerings will be accepted). Dinner will begin at 5:00 and VBS will run from 5:45-8pm. The whole family can stay for dinner or just drop the kids off to eat. We will have staff members around to keep an eye on them.

This year our Theme is a Santified! We will be learning about the 10 Commandments and how God loves us and helps us love others through them.

We will have fun songs, games, crafts, and Bible time! 

Registration is currently available in the church office from 8am-12 M-F or you can call Vicky at the office @ 402-426-2851. You can also register online at http://www.trinitylutheranblair.com Click on Ministries, Youth Ministries, then VBS, and Registration




ClickHERE  to Register a Child!


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