First Time Visitor?

     If you are thinking of visiting us at Trinity Lutheran Church, WELCOME!  We are not only excited that you are interested in visiting us, but we are overjoyed that you desire to be where God's Word is taught in truth and love.  We are a Congregation that values God's Word in its purity, and the Sacraments as Christ gave them to us.  We rejoice in the way the Church has received these throughout the centuries, in the liturgy.  If you are unfamiliar with any of these things, we hope that this page will help your visit be meaningful to you.  We will do our best to greet you and guide you, but please don't be afraid to ask an elder, and usher, or even the person sitting next to you if you have any questions.  We will be glad to help, and happy that you are here!

What You Can Expect:



     The word "Liturgy" comes from the Greek word which simply means "service."  Any time you ask a church when their services are, you are asking when they hold the liturgy.  Our services are orderly, as the Bible says they should be, (1 Cor. 14:26-40).  When you come to worship you can expect that the order for worship will be printed out for you in a bulletin, and will be easy to follow, even if it is unfamiliar.  If you require a larger print bulletin please request one as you come in and we will be happy to provide it to you.


     Our services include music, singing from the congregation, reading from the Bible, lesson time focused for the children, lesson time focused for the adults, prayer, a collection of tithes and offerings, confession and forgiveness, and the Sacrament of the Altar (communion).  Our services are usually 50-60 minutes long, but on Sundays where we have communion they will occasionally last 60-70 minutes.


For an example of a Worship Bulletin click, HERE.




     Music for us is an important teaching tool.  We all have our favorite songs, the ones that sound good to us and move our emotions.  That's a good thing!  However, during the worship service the primary focus of our music is to reinforce what is being taught.  You can expect that the congregation will be singing no matter which service you attend.  We hope you'll sing with us!


     During our 8am worship service you can expect hymns from our hymnal accompanied the church organ.  During our 10:30am worship service the music will be of a more contemporary style lead by Molly on the piano with guitar and vocalists to help lead the congregation.  Sometimes we will sing a hymn at the 10:30am service if it really fits well with the Bible reading of the day. 




     We believe that children belong in the worship service.  Jesus comes to them the same as He comes to everyone, through His Word and in His Sacraments.  It is important that children learn to participate in worship as a member of the Church.  We encourage children to come forward to the front during a special lesson time prepared for them.  We encourage children to sing, speak, pray, stand, and participate with the adults as best they can.  That being said we understand that children are children, and there are activity packets available upon request for when their attention wanes.


     You should never feel embarassed that your child makes a noise, cries out, fidgets, drops their crayons, etc.  Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."  You and your child, and all the joys that they bring, are welcome here.


     We do not have a designated cry room or nursery.  If you need to nurse your child, do so.  If your toddler needs a dry food snack, feed them.  If your child needs changed we have a handicapped accessable bathroom with a wall changing station nearby.  If you feel you child needs a private moment, we have space for you.



Communion / The Sacrament of the Altar

     On the first and third Sunday of the month (1st and 4th during summer), our congregation receives the Sacrament of the Altar, commonly called communion.  The Bible teaches that this is a very special gift which Jesus Himself gives us.  Jesus said that this is His real body, and real blood, which was shed on the cross and which we now eat and drink.  Jesus said that the benefit of His body and blood are forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.


     We also believe the Bible when it says that in order to receive this benefit we must receive it in faith.  The faith which we have is a gift from the Holy Spirit, it is bigger than just you or me.  We want you to be a part of the faith which God has given His Church.  If you are visiting please speak with an Elder before coming to the Sacrament of the Altar.


     We understand that sometimes people can feel unwelcome when they are not invited to participate in the Sacrament of the Altar.  That is not our intention.  We want you to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and we are not content to pretend at oneness if we do not have it.  We want you to grow with us, learn with us, pray with us, and share in the Sacrament of the Altar with us after a period of instruction.  It is no different than what we ask of our own children, and we love them.  We will treat you like we treat our own families.


For more informaiton click HERE.

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